
The Aquafit Community is all about exploring and sharing ancient and new body hacks that provide major health benefits with different levels of intensity, discomfort and commitment. Most of the content will be related to water as the site name implies although three main subjects will stay in focus, namely inspiration to improvement of metabolism, vision and natural fitness.

The human body is a delicate and sophisticated biological entity that strives to maintain balance both physically an mentally. When the body finds its balance, it is very difficult to force a new balance with ideal proportions, just by controlling diet, sleep and exercise. It is possible, but requires time, discipline and a long term commitment, unfortunately not many of us are blessed with these qualities. A starvation diet will only put the body into starvation mode to save energy and hard exercise will consume instant accessible energy, not the fat we usually want to lose.

Fortunately there is no reason to despair for those who are willing to endure extreme discomfort for a few minutes regularly, by using an ancient body hack

Cold water therapy has been around for centuries and is known to affect people’s heating system, metabolism, respiratory and immune system. A fast reduction in body temperature will trigger heat production instantly, and that process is able to use excess fat as fuel, healing hormones are released because the body enters survival mode as if it were injured or dying. It is not a pleasant experience at that moment but leaves an euphoric feeling for some time ahead.

Scientific Studies

Opticians never hesitate to recommend glasses or contact lenses if you are not blessed with perfect eyesight, one wonders why? A more natural question to ask should instead be whether it is possible to train your eyes for better eyesight?

The human eye is controlled by muscles just like many other body functions and should also be trainable like other muscles or slowly slacken in case of absent excercise, a logical and realistic conclusion established already during the early 1900s by Dr. William Horatio Bates.

Dr. Bates conducted extensive research and experimental activities related to eye function and adaptability, which resulted in lots of scientific publications and a book titled “Perfect Sight Without Glasses” published in 1920, this extra ordinary work of passion and endeavor was probably deliberately hidden from common people until suddenly the cyber-age hit us, and made universal knowledge into public property regardless of economic interests.